Wednesday 17 December 2014

The Silly Season Has Arrived

To all,

Life has been crazy lately... more at work than at home... Which has seen me neglecting my blog.

To those who have been wonderfully following my humble slice of cyberspace and posting comments I cannot state enough apologies for such a crime!

For everyone else I guess this is me popping back up again and saying 'Hi!'

Seeing as Christmas is so close I thought it as good a theme as any (and yes I am horrified when I look back and see that Halloween was the last time I posted).

So what is Christmas now for you? Is it still the holiday filled with childhood wonder? Does it have reverent religious relevance?

I have three beautiful children and some wonderful young nieces and nephews who still enjoy the wonderment of Christmas time. For them there is nothing better than seeing the tree go up with the pretty lights flashing. Every present large or small is a surprise waiting to happen, a glorious gift needing to be unwrapped vigorously, the toy inside played with immediately.

For me this is a time to reflect on those that have passed on, to remember them fondly and miss them deeply. It is also a time to celebrate those who are still with us, friends and family, all loved ones. And for those precious moments it is a time to celebrate the pure joy of belief in love and magic and all things holy.

Merry Christmas to everyone and a happy, hopeful and prosperous New Year...

Thanks to all who have checked out my blog and a BIGGER thanks to those who posted a reply or two!!

Lets see if I can blog more in 2015...

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