Sunday 13 September 2020

The Crook and Law six kid weekend extravaganza

 The Crook and Law six kid weekend extravaganza has given us a real run for our money but my amazing wife and I managed to survive. From Friday night to Sunday afternoon Casa de Law was home to six kids ranging from toddler to teens (and every age in between). It has been cat chasing, book reading, and fun-filled, crazy kind of weekend. A payback, together time, new experiences and old favourites kind of weekend. Thanks to our dear friends Ben and Maria June was our chance (my wife and I) to escape the responsibilities of parenthood and for two days live again kid free. The catch of course, come September we return the favour.


This was our first two night effort with Big Red (Miss Two) and we were unsure how it would go. Good news, it went great!! Better news, every year all six kids get older and I'm pretty sure things will get easier and easier. We love those little Crook munchkins and we have all loved our magic weekend.


Spending time yesterday at an amazing new local playground made me think of a poem I wrote a few years ago (published on the Parenting  Express website) called Taking flight with daddy. So here is the sequel, ...




Captain Tilly launched her ship

All on a cool Spring day

Upon the radar there appeared a blip

Tilly announced "I am on my way!"


Maddy and Boo walked a balancing beam

Each one careful not to fall

So much fun they could not help but scream

Feeling twelve foot tall


Nenna and Liv span around and around

For the youngest it was nice and slow

Captain Tilly would search until they were found

"More power Uncle Tim! Go! Go! Go!"


 When Boo discovered the wizzy

She could not contain her glee

Above all else she loved getting dizzy

Daddy's big boots kicked off, Boo yelled "Yipee!!"


The Lava Monster stomped and roared

The Lava Monster danced and sang

There were none who could ever be bored

As the Lava Monster chased the gang


 Swings flew higher and higher as kids explored

So much to do and so much to see that was new

Kid's minds opened and parent's minds floored

Captain Tilly re-entered her spaceship and again off she flew


 Boo got caught in the spider's web, bravely she clambered down

Nenna when shooting toward the stars and moon

Liv and Maddy had swing caused smiles, no chance to frown

But, sadly it would all be over too soon


Around and around the palyground the monster chased 

 All his running was all in vain

Aunty Heidi said it was time to go

It had suddenly started to rain

Such a fun weekend, thanks Ben and Maria!

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