Tuesday 22 June 2021

Sadly our last Sports Day at Jervois Primary

 Such a cold day today and a sad day too. As our Miss B is off to secondary school as of next year it was our last ever Sports Day at JPS today. I always try to be there for this day, a chance to help out the teachers and cheer on the kids. Our little school has a real mix of sporting superstars and those with far less interest (and skill) in sport. What I love most about Sports Day is that regardless of skill, interest and natural talent (or lack there of) each and every student is encouraged and everyone is applauded for giving something a go.

It was difficult to understand why a school would schedule Sports Day in the throws of the season of Winter, difficult for us Laws residing at Casa de Norman anyway who are not overly sporty and so have no real interest or comprehension of primary school sporting events that occur later in the school year. So it was though that the school decided the day pending what could be a mamoth storm was to be our 2021 Sports Day. In fact such was the uncertainty regarding a downpour of rain (that is still yet to unleash) that a back up day (also in Winter) was suggested. Luckily the cold came, the grey clouds came but there was not a single drop of that theatened rain all day.

Foolishly I though a beanie on my head and a long sleaved shirt would be enough to keep the near freezing temperatures at bay. I had left my thick jumper behind as I did not think I could force my yellow T-shirt (the only piece of clothing I own that is the colour of my daughter's team Sturt) would fit over the thickness of such warmth. In hindsight I realise I probably should have just worn the T-shirt underneath and the hidden my support. As at previous Sports Days my voice would always betray my aligience to YELLOW and Sturt, yelling out the team name passionately and proudly to every teacher, student and parent regardless of what colour clothing they wore. Last year I was informed due to COVID no shouting was allowed, a very quiet affair that year. 2021 was not the case here in South Australia and so I now sit by the heater at home pondering a port to sooth my throat.

For all my screaming, shouting and teaching my little niece to do the same unfortunately this year was not our year. It seems Sturt was competative until the team games and then it all seemed to unravel. So on such a sorrowful note we farewell the wonderful day that is Sports Day. So proud of Miss B for her efforts and so proud of my amazing wife who gathered together such a wonderful cheer squad for Boo today... Another farewell... Another step closer to our next chapter...


  1. How wonderful a sports day! Never had that at school when I was coming up...Its the way you play the games that count. A positive attitude.
