Saturday, 28 December 2024

Another year almost over and here's my token post about it

Oh my poor, poor blog... I have neglected you again, and my readers too... Humble apologies to you all... I am very much a one platform man it seems, my insta only gets a regular update because my more tech-savvy kids have shown me how to link it to FB...

So I'm back with yet another revelation from the vault of the mind of Tim (that's me)... Writing continues to be the hobby I am trying to make into something more, and I love that right now I am having a good mix of success and enjoyment... Time is something I think we all seem to lack... So we make time where and when we find the chance (like now)...

The end of this year has been double trouble (fun) for us Laws as we have made the tough decision to uproot and head across the river to Eastside. A much bigger place ready for our next chapter of life with three teens (sometimes more)... I now have a writing room, which also doubles as an art studio for the kids, and a hangout spot for my son or my wife (depending on the weather and who has come to visit). We are now also the proud owners of a chaotic, confusing, decent sized body of water known as a pool. A smaller body of similar stuff known to be a fish pond has also been acquired (we own four cats and three fish... never shall one meet the other)...

My job still keeps me engaged and entertained with many a change and evolution (sadly it is time)... It is all about community and what more we can do for them... Exciting times ahead... Be like the duck... Swim, don't sink...

The festive season finally felt a little (actually) festive when we unpacked the Christmas tree and found the boxes of decorations. Now we are enjoying the time between that and New Year... Summer holidays and kids away...

Last night my wonderful wife and I (love you babe) were down to one child, so we ended up streaming the new Garfield movie (not bad, but not super good either), and Red One (nothing like Rogue One, but such a fun film...)

And what are we up to today? More adventures with our on;y child... If I remember to post (and not neglect you again my poor, poor blog) I'll let you all know how it all goes...

Who would have thunk it... We are a decent ways into Summer and it is too cold to swim... Oh well...More time to play with the pool, not in the pool...

Until next time... Happy New Year to you all...


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