Friday 22 April 2016

Two reviews for Friday

Today I have given Just Dance 2016 for WII U a thrashing with my daughter, Miss 8 and my gorgeous wife and I took the family to our local cinema to check out The Jungle Book (live action version currently showing)...

Firstly Just Dance... I must admit two things. Number one is that my daughter and I are not the greatest dancers, but we have fun with it anyway! Secondly we are not new to Just Dance, 2016 is probably the fourth or fifth version of this game franchise we have tried. So how does Just Dance 2016 for WII U compare? It is just as much fun as the others to play. It has a stack of songs that are currently popular with a few other classics thrown in (for us oldies!!) There is a great feature where you can compete against dancers from all over the world (my daughter and I were regularly defeated one or two stars to five by Italians, Americans and the French) but win, lose or draw we still get rewarded with some sort of sticker. The camera feature available via the game pad means you can share your unrythmic foolery of boogying to the music with the rest of the world. We loved the workout feature with upbeat songs that tell you at the end of each song how many calories we burned.  I believe this game deserves three and a half stars. Not many new features but enough of what is familiar to be a pretty cool game...

And now on to The Jungle Book... What a movie!! Action... Adventure... Fun... So much danger and excitement... The whole family loved it... Only a year or so ago we found the old Disney cartoon version of this film so it is not a story that is new to my kids... The basics of the original cartoon, of course based on the stories by Kipling... It is sooooooooooo much better though as live action... King Louie was hugely impressive, Sher Kan made my skin crawl and it was great to hear Bill Murray as the voice of Baloo and Scarlet Johannsen as the voice of Kaa the gigantic python... The thing that I loved the most though was to hear the classic songs from the cartoon feature (the bare necessities and wanna be like you)... I was really pleased to see a whole pile of families poor out of our local cinema from the film before ours and it was just as great to see so many families fill the cinema for the session we were at... Way to go Murray Bridge supporting our local business!! Five out of five stars for the film and five out of five stars for community support...

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