Sunday 24 April 2016

We will remember - A poetic ode to the ANZAC soldiers

Today is a special day of remembrance. In Australia and New Zealand April 25 is a day associated with pride, sadness and respect. We celebrate the bravery of our soldiers who represent us at home and overseas. We remember the sacrifices of soldiers from our past, those that returned home to us and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Leading up to ANZAC Day I have discovered from my dad stories about my grandfather who was a gunner in the RAAF. The sadness and the pride of a day like today has inspired me to pen down a poem, a creative way of dealing with all the mixed emotions. Truly, at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them...

We Will Remember - A poem to commemorate the efforts of our ANZACs

The heat, the dust, the buzz of flys
The zip and zing of a million bullets
Then another mate dies

The man to your right and left a gem
More than a friend, a matter of life or death
We will remember them

A day of pride and smiles and memories of sorrow
Thinking of those who are still amongst us
And those for whom there was no tomorrow

"Masks on boys" as the wooden rattle swung
Another gas attack, cruel death in the lungs
One boy too slow and he senses the tingle on his tongue

The bravery of those who knew not what lay ahead
Farmers, bankers, collage kids, local footy stars
For some a medal, for the rest the trench their final bed

The poppy grows blood red, unplanted
Nature's memorial of such a scar on our past
Such sacrifice that we can take peace for granted

Thanks should be given each and every day
Not just once or twice a year when we pause together
Make sure that you pause and ponder at least today

Remember with pride

Remember with sorrow

We will remember them

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