Saturday 18 November 2017

Surprises at the Beach

Today was the last day of a refreshing three week break for me. After a few stormy days it has turned out to be a sunny pearler of a day. The best kind of day for a trip to the beach.

We love visiting family at Victor Harbour but today was extra special. While bobbing about in the waves we (Miss 10, Master 11 and I) thought we saw a duck pop out of a wave. It was a small black duck which on second examination turned out to be a penguin. Imagine our surprise when it was joined by another one. "Quick!" I cried out, "Someone get my phone so I can take a picture!"
Of course one of the kids went to tell mum what we saw and the other ran to get my phone. The moment they both left I lost sight of our visitors and they were gone. Such a thrill but over way too soon...

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