Saturday 28 December 2019

So proud today

So proud to be a part of the Law/Gallasch family, proud to be a husband and dad and extremely proud to be a Murray Bridgian. Today was a day off for our family, no work, no school. Instead of lazing away this Sunday keeping cool my amazing wife used her magical FaceBook powers to gather together much needed townships affected by the recent South Australian bushfires. Finally I am proud of my father in law and mother in law who will be dropping off the remaining goods so they can go to those families doing it toughest.

I am super proud of my amazing wife, her efforts enabled us to take a full people mover to where it was needed most. Our first stop saw soft drinks, water and cordial passed on to families doing it tough and to the volunteers who are trying their hardest to help. I am super proud of my two daughters, Miss 12 and Miss 9 who stared out the window as we passed by black paddocks and houses that had collapsed due to the chaotic horrors of fire only days before. I am extremely proud of the people of the town I live in and the close by towns who have raided their pantry or transferred money so we could do a quick shop today for all of those necessities you don't know you need until fire steals them from you.

I didn't fight the fires. I didn't rally together the efforts. I was able to drive that overloaded KIA to where it was needed and help load and unload all those donated items. I tell you what, the drive home was far lighter and easier than the one this morning.

Thank you Law/Gallasch team! Thank you Country Fire Service and Metropolitan Fire Service firefighters and staff! Thank you to all those amazing people who have donated to help. A specially thank you to my beautiful and amazing wife and daughters for keeping my faith in humanity strong. You have huge hearts and I love you so much.

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