Wednesday 30 December 2015

Dream a little dream...

Last night I dreamt the strangest dream. I stood upon a great stone wall. Over my shoulder as I looked behind me I could see the whole of 2015 stretching across a space a whole year long, another similar stone wall marked the end of 2014 and the beginning of the year just past. Beyond that wall was another and another year of my past. As I looked along the path I had travelled I saw many high points, none of them easily reached, but all of them marked by a flag with a great green T emblazoned across. There were pitfalls too, low points from the year, some lower than others. I noticed as I looked out that there were high points from the year gone by that I could have reached but didn't. There were low points too, paths that lead to deep falls, maybe too deep to climb out of. I was thankful that I had not chosen to walk that way.

As I turned my thoughts away from the year that had been I had a chance to gaze out at what lay ahead. There were so many paths that I could take. I could see some challenging terrain already set before me, things relating to my new role at work which if I did them right would lead to a great peak where I could satisfactorily place my flag. This same terrain though also lead toward twisty and turny paths only a mountain goat could hope to follow safely.

I saw far off the possibility of some travel overseas, more challenges, more peaks and just as many troughs. I saw fun filled moments with my family and my friends and patches where I felt lost and alone. The more paths I followed the more they joined and drifted apart. I realised then that this dream was not a guide to the year ahead. It was as much that as a Gypsy's prophecy from a Tarot deck. Everything will happen if and when it happens. There is nothing set in stone and it was up to me to make 2016 the year I wanted and needed it to be. Then again it was only a dream...

When I awoke it was the morning of New Year's Eve. I saw the last step to the wall was a step in the upward direction. Which way I step off the wall is totally up to me...

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